The ASLA Alaska Chapter's Student Outreach Program works with students on local community projects so they can get a better understanding of what landscape architects do and how projects come together when people unite with a similar idea for creating and improving a place. Our goal is to present the profession of landscape architecture through project work by including students, steering committees, community councils, volunteer organizations, municipality, local business, and school districts to come together and work in a meaningful way towards a common goal. We want to integrate the students into the design process from the conceptual level, discussing their ideas with others and moving into detailed design and construction. Our intent is for students to see their designs through the entire development and construction process, learning how to address problems that may come up during any phase and adapt to them as needed.
The ASLA Alaska Chapter has had a long history of community and student engagement. The current Student Outreach Program started with a conversation about doing more than just lecturing to students, during our Chapter's Annual General Meeting in 2009. A small group of local landscape architects wanted to get students involved in the process of landscape architecture design and being a part of a real community project. Initially, the ASLA Alaska Chapter teamed up with the Municipality of Anchorage's Parks and REcreation Department on two neighborhood park projects. Each project evolved into a separate project with increased student involvement and gained significant exposure, as well as financial support. These projects varied in size and commitment from both the students perspective and the landscape architects efforts. The individuals that initiated this program include Holly Spoth-Torres (MOA), Chad Taylor (Intrinsic Landscapes), Kevin Doniere (Corvus Design) and Jonny Hayes (Bettisworth North). We are dedicated to continuing our work with students and want to spread our knowledge and hope to grow our program throughout all of Alaska-reaching rural communities as well as, affecting the more urban conditions found in our larger cities.
Today, we are continuing projects with the help of Anchorage's Schools on Trails Program, led by Brendan Stuart. The Goals of this program include engaging Anchorage schools in nearby trails, parks, streams, and natural habitats to educate students and staff about community assets and enrich neighborhoods through increased local awareness. Help establish connections with students and create opportunities to share in civic engagement, participate in the project planning process, foster stewardship of our lands, and instill the value of safe public spaces as a key component in the quality of life.

Aquarian Charter School
Airport Heights
Central Middle SChool
Clark Middle School
Inlet View
Girdwood K-8
Get Outdoors Academy
Nunaka Valley
Polaris K-12 School
Rodgers Park Eelemntary
Romig Middle School
Sand Lake Elementary School