Spring Chapter Updates
Alaska Long Trail
The Alaska Long Trail is being considered for funding for FY2024 by the State and is currently in the House and Senate Finance Committee review process. The Alaska Chapter supports the Alaska Long Trail Project and has submitted a letter of support. Please contact your legislature to share your support.
Historic American Landscapes (HALS) – Thanks to Monique Anderson the Alaska Chapter has a completed a submittal for Sheldon Jackson College landscape site plan to be included in the inventory of significant American landscapes.

Arbor Day is May 15, 2023 in Alaska. The Chapter is promoting two activities including planting a tree in downtown Anchorage to replace a dead or missing street tree. Chapter members will meet in April to identify a location and submit a grant to the Alaska Community Forestry Program to help pay for a replacement tree. A similar grant will be submitted to remove and replace a Canada red tree at Westchester Lagoon in celebration of both Arbor Day and Alaska native Plant Month (pending proclamation).

Native Plant Month Proclamation- The Chapter has sent a letter of support to the Governor’s office for a proclamation for making May Native Plant Month. The request for support came from the Alaska Native Plant Society who will be leading and sponsoring many native plant related educational events throughout the month of May.
