Georgeson Botanical Garden Master Plan
This Master Plan was developed by volunteers representing the Alaska Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. Eliza Bober Cink, Laura Minski, Taylor Keegan, and M. Elise Huggins worked with the Georgeson Botanical Garden Society and UAF Garden Staff during two workshops held in April and August of 2017 to outline priorities and design ideas shown here.
Many groups associated with the Garden were interviewed to talk about their history, their role, and their ideas for the future of the Garden. These groups included UAF staff, volunteer groups, and community members. The draft plan was presented to the UAF Master Planning Committee for feedback and received general support in October of 2017.
The ASLA Alaska Chapter is happy to share the master plan here and looks forward to supporting the Georgeson Botanical Garden and The Georgeson Botanical Garden Society in the future.