2017-2018 ASLA AK Board Nominations

Taylor Keegan
Nominated for President
Taylor Keegan, who currently works for Anchorage Parks and Recreation as a Park Planner, is currently up for nomination for President-Elect. Taylor has served as Secretary for the past two years and is interested in serving as President to help AK ASLA become more engaged in the national ASLA, promote advocacy and education of the profession, and serve the local community of Alaskan Landscape Architects. Taylor is passionate about projects that help improve equity such as multi-modal transportation systems, geospatial data collection and processing, play environments, and restoration of native plant communities. In her free time, Taylor volunteers at the Off the Chain Bike Co-op, the Alaska Botanical Garden, and can be found hiking or biking on one of the many trails in and around Anchorage.

Monique Anderson
Nominated for Vice President Southeast
Monique is up for nomination for Vice President Southeast. She is the owner of Anderson Land Planning providing Landscape Architecture services statewide from Sitka. You can find Monique helping with representation and advocacy at the legislative level, nominating other LA's for their great work and forging local partnerships to make things happen. She also sails her charter sailboat around the fjords and glaciers of Southeast waters all summer long.

Mélisa Babb
Nominated for Vice President South Central
Having lived in a wide variety of western landscapes, Mélisa brings a deep curiosity about the interactions between human culture and natural systems to her work at Bettisworth North. Over the years she has found delight in the fact that her landscape architectural training in the extremes of the Sonoran Desert translated surprisingly well to the challenges of a sub-arctic environment, and she very much enjoys developing aesthetic solutions to material and ecological problems in Alaska’s unique northern climate. Mélisa has served as Member-at-Large and Secretary for the ASLA Alaska Chapter for several years, and has been nominated for the position of Vice President, South Central. She enjoys camping, canoeing, and exploring Alaska with her husband and two young kids. She is also secretly convinced that California mosquitoes and black bears are much fiercer and bigger than Alaskan variety, but would never admit that to an Alaskan.

Leah Buron
Nominated for Vice President Interior
Leah Buron currently works for Earthscape and has served as Member-At-Large for the past two years. This year Leah is making a move from Anchorage to Fairbanks, and will continue working with Earthscape from a remote office. Leah hopes to continue serving on the board as Vice President of the Interior, and looks forward to keeping ties strong between Anchorage and Fairbanks Chapter members. Leah is passionate about stewardship and creating and maintaining environments that can be enjoyed for generations to come. She loves riding singletracks around Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula, gardening, and doing whatever hobby of the week she has stumbled into.

Brianne Keifer
Nominated for Treasurer
Bri is a landscape architect at the firm Huddle in Anchorage. Bri served on the board as a member-at-large in 2013 and 2014, she is currently running for treasurer. She is interested in treasurer to learn more about the organization’s logistics, plus she likes numbers and organizing. In her spare time she likes to be outside (hike, bike, run, be on the water, and in the mountains)!

Anna Shaw
Nominated for Secretary
Anna is a landscape designer at Huddle AK, where she has worked for the past 2 years. She has served one term on the AK Chapter Board as Member-At-Large and co-chairs the Sponsorship Committee. Anna is nominated for Secretary in the upcoming election; she hopes to continue her service as a board member to stay connected to and learn more about the Alaska LA community. Outside of work Anna enjoys hitting the trails, biking, cooking, and spending time with her little family.

Leigh Ann Belloli
Nominated for Member at Large
Leigh Ann Belloli recently returned to Alaska after working in California for 10 years on a variety of projects, including water conservation demonstration gardens, community centers, native habitat restoration, parks, transportation corridors, and residential design. Leigh Ann has never served on an ASLA board but feels that serving as Member-At-Large for AK-ASLA would be a great way to get connected to Alaska's Landscape Architecture community. Leigh Ann is passionate about Low Impact Development, Rain Gardens, Green Roofs, Parks, Urban Revitalization, Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Design. You can find Leigh Ann volunteering at the Alaska Botanical Garden, gardening at home, playing guitar, hiking and traveling the State.

Jonny Hayes
Nominated for Member at Large
Jonny Hayes is a professional landscape architect since 2010 and has recently switched gears to listen, explore and create as the Director of Design at the Anchorage Museum. Jonny started his professional design career at the legendary Land Design North way back in 2005 after a long drive up from Outside. Since that time he has collaborated with landscape architects, engineers, surveyors, planners, agency types, community members, and even architects.
Jonny rose through the ranks of the Alaska Chapter, reaching his peak during his service as Chapter President a few years back. Jonny has been engaged with the board since then, dropping into meetings at times and carrying a torch or two as a Student Outreach committee member. Mr. Hayes is eager to be present and accessible to the board and its members as a Member at Large. He will advocate and assist those who desire to be leaders in Landscape Architecture and serve our communities through action. Jonny dislikes long walks, beaches, and being awake until sunset. He has young kids and loves to play, and stuff like that.
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