Members: Accepting Board Nominations (Due June 17th).

Hello AK Chapter Members!
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer.
The time of year has come to get Executive board nominations started. Alaska Chapter Executive Committee elections for the 2017-2018 term are eminent and as such we have a call for nominations for all positions listed below.
The positions to be filled are as follows:
President Elect
Vice President South Central
Vice President Southeast
Vice President Interior
At Large Member
At Large Member
The following is a description of each positions responsibilities:
President Elect/Past-President
The President-Elect/Past-President shall represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the president and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees.
Chapter Commitments
Assist the President at meetings and preside in the President’s absence or when called upon by the President
Serve as acting president when designated by the president or the Executive Committee
Assist the President in filling standing committee
Assist the management and administration of Chapter programs and budget
Lead special projects and assignments as designated by the Chapter President
For President-Elect, assume the President position the following year
Update Chapter Governance Handbook at beginning of term
Represent the chapter at the National ASLA convention and mid-year meeting as the Chapter President-Elect/Past-President (with partial reimbursement by Alaska Chapter and ASLA National)
ASLA National Commitments
Attend the ASLA national mid-year Chapter President’s Council
Attend the National ASLA conference
Committee Responsibility
Serve as chair of the Nominating Committee (when position is President-Elect, Past-Past-President shall hold this chair)
Serve on the Budget Committee
President-Elect: First year of four year commitment: year one President-Elect; years two and three President; year four Past President.
Past-President: Fourth year of four year commitment: year one President-Elect; years two and three President; year four Past President. As needed, the role of past-past-president shall be an ex officio one during the fifth year.
A Fellow or Member in good standing.
Network with other chapter executives and ASLA leaders on a national level
Vice President South Central (Programs)
The Vice President South Central shall:
Chapter Commitments:
Be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events.
The Vice President South Central shall outline and oversee all member programs for the chapter. Member programs may include: social events; annual conference; educational events.
Prepare and issue notices of the meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee
Arrange for the scheduling and coordination of meetings and programs for members and the community including continuing education, LARE review classes, lectures, seminars and the Annual General Meeting
Assist with the appointment of committee chairs and members for the Education Committee, and the Outreach Committee. The VP shall sit on these committees, and may chair one or both of the committees at their discretion.
Prepare the annual slate of programs to be provided by ASLA Alaska Chapter.
Review proposals brought forward to the Chapter and present findings to the Executive Committee regarding the education and social program opportunities for the Chapter.
ASLA National Commitments:
None assigned
Committee Commitments:
Serve on the membership committee
Serve on the Education Committee and the Outreach Committee
one year term
A Fellow or Member in good standing.
Networking through being main contact with chapter membership
Vice President Southeast & Vice President Interior (Two Positions)
The Vice Presidents Southeast & Interior shall:
Chapter Commitments
Be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events.
ASLA National Commitments:
None assigned
Committee Commitments:
None assigned
one year term
A Fellow or Member in good standing.
The treasurer shall:
Chapter Commitments
Arrange for the collection of all fees, dues, charges, and other funds due the Chapter
Be the custodian of all Chapter funds and disburse such funds only as authorized by the Executive Committee
Keep the accounts of the Chapter that shall be open at all times to inspection by the Executive Committee
Present quarterly reports on the financial condition of the Chapter and year-end financial statements to the Executive Committee
Prepare tax filings
ASLA National Commitments:
Participate in Treasurer specific training
Coordinate for the receipt of Chapter Dues
Committee Commitments:
Serve as the Chair of the Budget Committee
one year term
A Fellow or Member in good standing
Development of book keeping and accounting skills
The Secretary has the responsibilities of:
Chapter Commitments:
Maintain a record of the proceedings of the business meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee
Be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events;
Maintain the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter
Certify documents
Assist with management of Association Manager’s roles and responsibilities
Prepare the Annual General Report
Oversight and coordination of chapter communications through the production of the Chapter newsletter and the update of the Chapter’s web site. This shall include the determination of newsletter and website content and direction of the newsletter and web production service providers (incl., editor, graphic designer, webmaster, ad manager, and printer). Responsibilities include:
Determine and direct the general focus of the newsletter content;
Request, collect and edit articles for each issue of the newsletter;
Coordinate with webmaster regarding content, timing and editing;
Coordinate the newsletter layout, post the newsletter on the chapter’s website;
ASLA National Commitments:
None assigned
Committee Commitments:
Serve ex-officio on the Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Serve as the chair of the Audit Committee
one year term
A Fellow or Member in good standing.
Design direction of newsletter format and web organization
At-Large Members (2 positions available)
The Executive Committee includes two (2) At-Large Members
Chapter Commitments
Be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events.
ASLA National Commitments:
None assigned
Committee Commitments:
None assigned
one year term
A Fellow or Member in good standing.
If you are interested or would like to nominate a member please contact with your nomination. or commitment of personal interest by June 17, 2017.
We look forward to hearing from you -